Opt4smart publications of L. Marconi

Conference articles
  1. G. Carnevale, M. Bin, I. Notarnicola, L. Marconi, and G. Notarstefano. Enhanced Gradient Tracking Algorithms for Distributed Quadratic Optimization via Sparse Gain Design. In IFAC World Congress, volume 53, pages 2696-2701, 2020. Elsevier. Note: [Download], [DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.405], [arXiv].
  2. M. Bin, I. Notarnicola, L. Marconi, and G. Notarstefano. A System Theoretical Perspective to Gradient-Tracking Algorithms for Distributed Quadratic Optimization. In IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Nice, France, pages 2994-2999, 2019. Note: [Download], [DOI: 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029824], [arXiv]. Keywords: Distributed Optimization.