The concluding workshop of the OPT4SMART project will be held online on September 24, 2021. More details here.
Invited talk by Prof. Ruggero Carli (University of Padova). Title: Distributed Optimization over lossy networks via Relaxed Peaceman-Rachford Splitting: a robust ADMM approach .
G. Notarstefano is a plenary speaker at the MED 21 with talk Distributed optimal control in complex multi-robot and energy networks.
G. Notarstefano gives an invited Control & Systems Theory seminar at Technion with title Distributed Constrained Optimization with Application to Cooperative Robotics.
G. Notarstefano gives an invited seminar during CSNS 46th workshop at Southeast University with title Distributed Constrained Optimization with Application to Cooperative Robotics.
I. Notarnicola wins the Best Young Author Journal Paper Award 2020 from the IEEE-CSS Italy Chapter.
IFAC Workshop organized by the OPT4SMART group. Title: Distributed Optimization for Control and Learning. From Theory to Numerical Software Tools. Link: our webpage or IFAC website.
Andrea Testa is among the ten Winners of the ''3 Anni in 3 Minuti'' (Three years in Three Minutes) competition. The goal is to illustrate, in at most three minutes, the results obtained during the doctoral activities. Competition organized by Accademia Pugliese delle Scienze.
Invited talk by Dr. Giovanni Neglia (INRIA, Université Cote D'Azur, Sophia Antipolis, France). Title: Machine Learning Training: Research Challenges and Opportunities for the Distributed Systems Community.
G. Notarstefano, I. Notarnicola and F. Farina have organized the open invited track "Distributed Optimization for Learning and Control in Smart Networks" for the next IFAC World Congress 2020.
The following papers have been accepted for CDC 2019:
- A. Camisa, F. Farina, I. Notarnicola and G. Notarstefano, "Distributed Constraint-Coupled Optimization over Random Time-Varying Graphs via Primal Decomposition and Block Subgradient Approaches";
- F. Farina and G. Notarstefano, "A Randomized Block Subgradient Approach to Distributed Big Data Optimization";
- M. Bin, I. Notarnicola, L. Marconi and G. Notarstefano, "A System Theoretical Perspective to Gradient-Tracking Algorithms for Distributed Quadratic Optimization".
The DISROPT package has been released! DISROPT is a Python package to provide an easy way to run distributed optimization algorithms that can be executed by a network of peer computing systems. The repository is available at GitHub.
G. Notarstefano is a plenary speaker at the ECC 19 with talk Optimization in networkland: Challenges and opportunities of distributed methods.
G. Notarstefano, A. Camisa and S. Mahesh attend European Control Conference 2019.
The following papers have been accepted for ECC 2019:
- A. Camisa and G. Notarstefano, "Primal Decomposition and Constraint Generation for Asynchronous Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming";
- S. Spedicato, S. Mahesh and G. Notarstefano, "A Sparse Polytopic LPV Controller for Fully-Distributed Nonlinear Optimal Control".
Invited talk by Dr. Andrea Simonetto (IBM research, Ireland). Title: Personalized Optimization in a Time-varying World.
Our former Post-doc Alessandro Rucco is actively working on autonomous driving with VisLab. A test of autonomous driving with EVA on the rooftop of Lingotto in Torino, Italy has been successfully conducted! Here the video (with Alessandro sitting on the front right).
Invited talk by Prof. Daniel Zelazo (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology). Title: Formation Control Using Bearing-Only Sensing. Theory and Implementation Challenges.
Prof. Notarstefano is one of the invited speakers at the seminar "The ERC Challenge: present and future perspectives" at the University of Bologna.
Invited talk by Prof. Francesco Bullo (University of California Santa Barbara). Title: Stochastic Vehicle Routing for Max Entropic Surveillance.
The following papers will appear at CDC 2018, Miami Beach, USA:
- A. Testa, I. Notarnicola, and G. Notarstefano, "Distributed Submodular Minimization over Networks: a Greedy Column Generation Approach";
- A. Camisa, I. Notarnicola, and G. Notarstefano, "A Primal Decomposition Method with Suboptimality Bounds for Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming".
Prof. Notarstefano is one of the three ERC grantees of University of Bologna attending the press conference organized by the rector on new research talents attracted by the university.
I. Notarnicola wins the SIDRA Best PhD Thesis Award.
The following works have been presented at the SIDRA Workshop 2018:
- F. Farina, A. Garulli, A. Giannitrapani, G. Notarstefano, "Distributed constrained nonconvex optimization: the asynchronous method of multipliers".
- A. Testa, A. Rucco, G. Notarstefano, "Distributed mixed-integer linear-programming via cut-generation and constraint exchange".
- I. Notarnicola, G. Notarstefano, "Constraint coupled distributed optimization: a relaxation and duality approach".
The following work has been presented at the NecSys conference 2018:
- S. Spedicato, G. Notarstefano, "Cloud-assisted Distributed Nonlinear Optimal Control for Dynamics over Graph".
G. Notarstefano is a plenary speaker at the Necsys 2018 with talk Distributed Optimization in Smart Networks.
Antonio Franchi, Researcher at LAAS, visits the group.
G. Notarstefano starts as Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Giuseppe Notarstefano and Maria Prandini organize the course "Optimization Methods for Decision Making over Networks” at the SIDRA PhD Summer School 2018. Here the full program.
G. Notarstefano is an invited speaker at the workshop "Nonlinear and Computational Control: A Workshop to Honor Prof. John Hauser on his 60th Birthday", one of the workshops organized at the American Control Conference, ACC 2018.
Title: "Introducing Hauser's Projection in Nonlinear Programming: from Classical to Distributed Optimal Control".
G. Notarstefano is chair of the regular sessions "Optimization I" and "Distributed Estimation for Sensor Networks" at the European Control Conference, ECC.
The detailed program can be found at
G. Notarstefano, F. Sasso, and F. Farina (visiting the OPT4SMART group in June 2017 and October 2017) attend European Control Conference 2018.
The following papers have been accepted for ECC 2018
- F. Sasso, A. Coluccia, and G. Notarstefano, "Distributed Learning from Interactions in Social Networks";
- F. Sasso, A. Coluccia, and G. Notarstefano, "An Empirical Bayes Approach for Distributed Estimation of Spatial Fields";
- F. Farina, A. Garulli, A. Giannitrapani, and G. Notarstefano "Asynchronous Distributed Method of Multipliers for Constrained Nonconvex Optimization".
Invited talk by Prof. Kostas Margellos (University of Oxford). Title: Distributed Optimization in uncertain networks & the price of anarchy in electric vehicle charging control games.
Invited talk by Prof. Simone Garatti (Politecnico di Milano). Title: Risk and complexity in scenario optimization.
Prof. Maria Prandini and Dr. Alessandro Falsone, Politecnico di Milano, visit the group.
G. Notarstefano, G. Scutari and E. Wei organize the invited sessions "Distributed and Big-Data Optimization I,II,III" at the Conference of Decision and Control 2017, CDC 2017 , Melbourne, Australia.
The following papers have been accepted for CDC 2017
- I. Notarnicola, Y. Sun, G. Scutari and G. Notarstefano, "Distributed Big-Data Optimization Via Block-Iterative Convexification and Averaging";
- M. Chamanbaz , G. Notarstefano and R. Bouffanais, "A Distributed Ellipsoid Algorithm for Uncertain Convex Problems: A Randomized Approach";
- A. Testa, A. Rucco and G. Notarstefano "A Finite-Time Cutting Plane Algorithm for Distributed Mixed Integer Linear Programming".
The paper "Distributed Big-Data Optimization via Block Communications" by I. Notarnicola, Y. Sun, G. Scutari, G. Notarstefano, is finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, IEEE CAMSAP 2017.
G. Notarstefano and J. Hendrickx are the two invited speaker for the panel discussion "Towards Smart Cities", 14 November 2017, Bruxelles, part of the three panel discussions New Frontiers of Italian Scientific Research organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bruxelles to present the third volume of the magazine Cartaditalia.
G. Notarstefano has been included among the "Top Young Italian Scientists of Cartaditalia", i.e., the 70 best Italian young researchers (working both in Italy and abroad) selected by the magazine Cartaditalia (Volume 3, Sept 2017) of the "Istituto di Cultura Italiana" at Bruxelles.
G. Notarstefano gives a talk at the tavola rotonda "Prospettive e nuove sfide tecnologiche e scientifiche nel settore dell'Automatica". Title: "Optimization Meets Smart Networks - Research and Technological Challenges in Systems and Control".
S. Grammatico, K. Margellos, G. Notarstefano, and M. Prandini organize the workshop "Cooperative and noncooperative decision making in multi-agent systems: An operator theoretic perspective" at the 2017 IFAC World Congress.
The following papers have been accepted for IFAC 2017
- I. Notarnicola and G. Notarstefano, "A duality-based approach for distributed
optimization with coupling constraints";
- M. Chamanbaz, G. Notarstefano and R. Bouffanais, "Randomized Constraints Consensus for Distributed
Robust Linear Programming".
Francesco Farina, PhD student at the Università di Siena, visits the group.
Invited talk by Prof. John Hauser (University of Colorado at Boulder). Title: On Unconstrained Minimization of Nonconvex Functions in Linear Vector Spaces.
Prof. John Hauser, University of Colorado at Boulder, visits the group.
G. Notarstefano is an invited speaker at ERC WEEK @ Federico II, one of the events organized in Europe to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ERC.
G. Notarstefano, A. Nedic and A. Olshevsky organize invited sessions "Distributed and Large-Scale Optimization I, II, III" @ IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2016.
G. Notarstefano, S. Spedicato and I. Notarnicola attend IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2016.
Invited talk by Prof. John Hauser (University of Colorado at Boulder). Title: Trajectory Exploration for Aggressive Maneuvering.
Prof. John Hauser, University of Colorado at Boulder, visits the group.
A. Coluccia gives a talk at the International Conference on Legal, Effective, Safe and Secure use of Civil RPAS. Title: From Drones to Autonomous Aerial Robots: challenges and opportunities.
G. Notarstefano is an Invited lecturer for the "Distributed Control and its applications" course, at the S.I.D.R.A. PhD Summer School, Bertinoro, Italy.
G. Notarstefano and I. Necoara organize the invited sessions "Fast algorithms for optimization in control".
G. Notarstefano gives an invited talk in the workshop "Distributed and Stochastic Optimization: Theory and Applications" organized by K. Margellos (University of Oxford, UK) and Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy).
S. Spedicato will participate to the Sherpa Summer School 2016.
F. Sasso joins the group as a post-graduate research scholar.
M. Chamanbaz visits the group.
"Premio Magna Grecia 2016" is awarded to G. Notarstefano.
G. Notarstefano is an Invited lecturer for one of the three mini-courses at 10th International Young Researcher Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control.
G. Notarstefano and A. Nedich (Urbana-Champaign) organize the invited sessions "Large-scale Optimization I-II".
G. Notarstefano gives an invited talk in the workshop "Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Partial and Imperfect Information in Multi-Agent Networks" organized by A. Gasparri (University Roma Tre), R. Williams (University of Southern California), M. Egerstedt (Georgia Institute of Technology).
G. Notarstefano gives an invited talk at Politecnico di Milano (host: Prof. M. Prandini).
Invited talk by Prof. L. Glielmo (Univ. of Benevento).
Invited talk by Prof. M. Franceschelli (Univ. of Cagliari).
Invited talk by Dr. G. Cataldo (NASA).
ERC OPT4SMART project starts.